
Last weekend was my 25th birthday, and I’d never felt so loved. I don’t know why my life is so blessed to include the people it does, but I feel so fortunate. Thank you thank you thank you : ) Somewhere in between picnics and thrift stores and long talks with dear chums, evenings with family and even a fun dinner outside in the rain, Joe let me see the present he’s been working on.

There are still pieces to be added to it, but I love it SO SO SO MUCH.

It’s gorgeous wall art (inspired by this!) that’s dramatic, symmetrical, and was a complete surprise. AND – all the diamond pieces are interchangeable, so if my ever-indecisive brain wants to rearrange it, I can! He’s the man, and he kinda knows it.

Some other time that weekend we went exploring with a camera, because he’s pretty good at that too.

most likely some chauvinistic joke from him….

…and my typical reaction : )

and that’s where my happy (if imperfect and overwhelming but still ever hopeful) life is at age 25.

I have much to be grateful for : )

  1. Anna says:

    Happy Belated Birthday, dear Rebekah!

  2. Taylor Hiers says:

    SO cool! Way to go Joe!
    And yay 25!

  3. Korie says:

    Wow, that Joe fella must really love you 🙂

  4. Ally says:

    I KNEW IT! hahaa…. when I saw that original picture per the surprise he was making you, I thought to myself, “I bet he’s making her that structure thingy from pinterest” 🙂

  5. lizzy says:

    oh, you dazzling girl. i think your clever words & brimming images, always grateful & colour drenched & spiffy are all i miss on facebook.
    so happy to see you with a man who shares your intense creativity. what a grand gift.

  6. Kelly Y says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And you are gorgeous =o)

  7. Tori says:

    ohmygosh. that wall art is AMAZING. way to go, joe! and mostly, i’m so, so happy your birthday was wonderful & full of merriment just like you deserve. 🙂 so happy to have you in my life, and hoping this 25th year is your best one yet! <3

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